




Biophysicist at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria.


6Knock on doors多敲门合作

I went from graduate school in Australia to postdoctoral positions in France and Germany before getting this job in Austria. Whenever I start somewhere new, I always make sure to go around and introduce myself. At the very least, it makes you known. You find out who has what instrument — information that is not always readily available on the institution’s website. Introducing yourself can lead to collaborations. If you’re really curious about what other people are doing and what excites them about their research, you’ll naturally find the people you can collaborate with.


7Don’t sweat the small details别为小细节闹心

I was stressed out during my postdoc at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, Germany, because I wasn’t publishing as many papers as my colleagues were. You always compare yourself to the people around you. But my mentor was very supportive: He said my goal should be to fill my batteries with science. You have to have the freedom to explore new things, meet people, travel to conferences and build up a database of potential research topics in your mind. You can draw on those reserves when it’s time to set up your own lab. Looking back, the things that worried me didn’t really matter in the big picture.



Owner of Personal Finance for PhDs in Seattle, Washington.


8Know your value知道自己的价值

Before you accept any position, be ready to negotiate. Whether you’re transitioning from graduate school to a postdoc position or from a postdoc to a permanent job, the number they’ll offer you will look pretty great. But you have to put that salary into context. Think about taxes and the money you want to put away for savings. And if you’re moving to a new city, you’ll have to consider your change in living expenses.


A realistic look at the numbers should motivate you to ask for a higher salary. But your new employer doesn’t want to hear about living expenses. You have to make your argument based on your own merits and what you bring to the position. A little research beforehand is imperative. Find out what other people in a similar situation can expect to make. Before my husband took a job at a biotech company in Seattle, we talked to a lot of people in the industry. You have to know what you’re worth.


9Think outside the lab实验室外的思考

Many graduate students and postdocs have a goal to stay in academia, and that’s great. But you don’t want to get blinkered in. Keep an eye on side projects and outside activities that you may end up really enjoying. That certainly happened with me. I thought I was on the path to a faculty job, but I was doing advocacy work on the side. I eventually realized I was getting a lot more traction and recognition for my advocacy than for my work with frogs. I couldn’t have planned where I am now, but I’m here because I kept my options open.


People ask whether I miss the bench. Really, I don’t at all. I have a lot of intellectual freedom, and people seem to hold my work in high regard. Pretty much everyone I’ve met who has left academia says they enjoy what they’re doing. I’m done with microinjecting frog embryos.


10Don’t take grants for granted不要把得到基金资助当成理所当然

It’s going to make your life a lot easier if you know how the major grant  systems work. I studied the US National Institutes of Health grant-making  process as part of my advocacy work, and I learned a lot more about grants than I ever learned at the bench. Being on Twitter helps, because people there talk about grants in great detail. But if you don’t make an effort to really understand the mechanisms, you’ll get a mixture of advice that’s all hearsay. The most successful people are the ones who sit down and look at everything that’s out there.
