
波士顿儿童医院Neuroscience or related fields博士后招聘


  波士顿儿童医院Neuroscience or related fields博士后招聘

  Seeking a highly motivated post-doctoral research fellow to join the Computational Neuroscience Laboratory at Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School. The fellow will work on a new project, funded by the National Science Foundation, at the intersection of Neuroscience and Data Science. Broadly, the project aims to elucidate the neural basis of group behaviors across the lifespan, using large fMRI datasets, behavioral data and large-scale social experiments. The position will involve analysis of fMRI and behavioral data using cutting-edge signal processing and machine learning tools.

  The post-doctoral fellow will be involved in fMRI and behavioral data analysis and statistical modeling, and will work closely with a multi-site team of investigators in Neuroscience, Social Sciences and Data Science. She/he will have opportunities to be hosted at collaborators’ institutions and laboratories, to interact with their research groups, as well as attend conferences.

  The post-doctoral fellow’s academic appointment will be at Harvard Medical School and employment will be through Boston Children’s Hospital.


  - PhD in Neuroscience or related fields

  - Experience in fMRI analysis, neural signal processing and Matlab programming.


  - Interested applicants should submit their CV and the names of 3 references via email to Dr Stamoulis, the project PI: caterina.stamoulis@childrens.harvard.edu